Where is PKI most commonly used? OCTATCO

Where is PKI most commonly used?

Where is PKI most commonly used?

PKI is used in a variety of applications where secure communication is required. Some of the most common uses of PKI include:
Secure web browsing: PKI is used to secure online transactions, such as online banking, e-commerce, and other types of secure web browsing.

Email security: PKI can be used to secure email communication by encrypting emails, digitally signing messages, and verifying the authenticity of the sender.

Secure remote access: PKI is used to secure remote access to network resources, such as virtual private networks (VPNs) and remote desktop protocols.

Secure file transfer: PKI can be used to secure file transfers, such as FTP and SFTP, by encrypting the data and verifying the authenticity of the sender and receiver.

Digital signatures: PKI is used to provide digital signatures for documents, software, and other types of data, ensuring their authenticity and integrity.

IoT security: PKI is used to secure the communication between IoT devices and servers, ensuring that the data transmitted between them is authentic and secure.


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